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2014 Ivory Moore Scholarship Recipients

Community College Scholarship

Courtney Blow

Major:  Nursing

The recipient of the TABPHE Community College Scholarship is

Ms. Courtney Blow, a student at El Centro College of the Dallas County Community College District.

An excerpt from her essay:

“The Ivory Moore Scholarship will give me the financial leverage that I need to finish strong at El Centro College. Your investment in me will not only assist me in the accomplishment of my personal goals, but will also benefit our community as I hope to be an inspiration to other African-American students who must overcome trying circumstances, like myself, to pursue their education.”


Chelsea Sharp

Major: Violin Performance

The recipient of the TABPHE Undergraduate scholarship is Ms. Chelsea Sharpe, a student at Rice University in Houston.

An excerpt from her essay: 

“I want to find ways to use music to help children in our land and in other lands, by employing an incredible power to improve communities, provide nurturing outlets of expression, and give a voice to a child who might otherwise not feel like they have one. The way the Ivory Moore Scholarship can assist me in accomplishing this is by allowing me to offset the already large and exponentially increasing costs of attending one of the best music conservatories in the country, the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University. In assisting me so that I may be able to continue studying at Rice, the Ivory Moore Scholarship is helping me to achieve my goals of becoming a world-class, African-American violinist whose mission is not just to spread classical music, but also to use it to better my community.”

Aaron Williford

Graduate Scholarship

Dallawrence Dean

Major: Higher Education Leadership

The recipient of the Graduate scholarship is Mr. Dellawarence Dean, a doctoral candidate at The University of Texas at Austin.

An excerpt from his essay:

“My experience as a first-generation college student has afforded me the opportunity to inspire students who are on academic probation to finish strong and pursue a postsecondary education. However, for some, the vision of relating to other people’s achievements is not enough; other avenues are needed, such as student involvement, off-campus constituencies, and professors with whom students can identify. For these reasons, I am motivated to advance my education and to research this phenomenon. My long-term goal is to complete my doctoral degree, contribute to the literature on underrepresented students, and eventually obtain the rank of Provost at a Tier 1 research university.”

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