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Fifty-two years ago… the year was 1973, and a number of social and historical events took place that changed our nation for years to come. Some of these included:

          • Roe v. Wade was handed down by the Supreme Court, overturning state bans on abortion
          • George Foreman won the Boxing World Heavyweight Championship, defeating Joe Frazier
          • The first handheld cellular phone call was made by the inventor of the world’s first mobile phone
          • American soldiers returned home as the Vietnam War ended
          • Watergate televised hearings began
          • Willie Mays announced his retirement from professional baseball
          • Comedian Dave Chappelle, model Tyra Banks, and musician Pharrell Williams were all born

There are few things in our society that have lasted 52 years. Now at its the half-century point, the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE) is proud to present a plethora of professional development opportunities for you at its 52nd Annual State  Conference. This unique event will help prepare you and other higher education personnel for success in addressing both today’s issues and emerging challenges. Special presentations by content experts that will engage conference attendees. The 2025 TABPHE State Conference will likewise celebrate TABPHE’s rich history of struggles and triumphs, its purpose and transformation, its passion and pride-- and most importantly, its Founders and longtime members who helped make this organization viable for all these many years. All honor goes to Founders Ivory Moore, Erma Johnson Hadley and the Honorable Reby Carey for their dream that became TABPHE!

The TABPHE State Conference is your opportunity to serve and play a significant role in a movement to prepare the way for the future!



Faculty Institute

The Faculty Institute will convene as an early conference activity to address issues of connecting African-American faculty (public school and higher education) to pipeline issues that impact the success of African-American students.

Staff Institute

The Honorable Reby Cary Staff Development Institute

 will convene during the conference to include leadership development, mentoring and additional networking opportunities for professionals in Higher Education.

Student Institutes

The Graduate Student Institute and the Erma Johnson-Hadley Undergraduate Student Leadership Institute will convene during the conference to include student leadership development, mentoring and networking opportunities.

Variety of Sessions & Activities

This year, TABPHE will offer various formats to engage participants throughout the conference.    

        • Concurrent Sessions – 75-minute interactive breakout sessions.

        • General Sessions - Panel of experts and keynote speakers
        • Learning Institutes – In-depth learning opportunities for participants. Institutes allow a deep dive into specific topics relevant to faculty, staff and/or students

Conference Development Tracks


Please review the information below to indicate the developmental track(s) in which your session would fit. Assigning at least one track to each session will allow attendees to quickly identify sessions that are applicable to their work. 

    • Faculty - These sessions target development topics for faculty members.
    • Direct Student-Serving Staff - These sessions target development topics for staff members in departments such as Admissions, Financial Aid, Orientation, Advising, Student Affairs, or Campus Life.
    • Indirect Student-Serving Staff - These sessions target development topics for staff members in departments like Human Resources, Finance, Marketing or Alumni Affairs.
    • Administrators - These sessions include development topics for Supervisors, Directors, Deans, Department Chairs, Chancellors, etc.
    • Workforce - These sessions will target what fields are needed in the next 20 years.
    • Students - These sessions will target undergraduate and graduate students. What should students major in? Are master and doctoral degrees needed!
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