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Executive OfficeR NOMINATIONS

The Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education 52nd Annual State Conference marks election year for the At-Large seats of the TABPHE Executive Office. 

TABPHE is looking for dedicated individuals to serve, lead and enhance our mission. Executive Officers are the leadership for the organization, are responsible for managing the affairs of the state association and are empowered to make routine decisions. Nominees must be a paid state member and willing to serve.  Please see "Duties and Responsibilities”  below before nominating. 


  • responsible for managing the affairs of the Association and is empowered to make routine decisions for the Association
  • Serve as a core individual for committee and taskforce assignments
  • serve as at-large generalists who represent the membership and provide a broader perspective on the day-today management of the Association and Board activities
  • convene to conduct four (4) face-to-face meetings per year
  • participate in monthly conference calls


  • must be willing to serve a 2 year term (2025-2027)
  • must be an active paid state member for at least 2 years
  • a member cannot be nominated for, nor serve, more than two consecutive terms in a given position

For a list of complete duties, please view the state constitution


President Elect Nominee: Dr. Angela Anderson

I am truly honored to be nominated for the office of President. I am filled with a deep sense of responsibility and a strong commitment to building a 21st-century TABPHE that not only seeks to provide a safe place for personnel in higher education but also honors the vision the founders had for this organization at its inception. They believed that TABPHE would serve as a beacon for those seeking knowledge, comradery, and mentorship – that is also my belief. The qualities I bring to this office will guide my leadership and unite us in our shared Vision for this organization.

My presidency will stand on five pillars of leadership. First, Integrity. Trust is the foundation of effective leadership, and I pledge to be transparent and accountable for all my actions. Second, Empathy. I aim to listen and understand your concerns, ensuring every voice is heard and respected. I also recognize and respect the collective experiences and challenges we have faced on and off campus and the impact that these experiences have had on each of us. Third, Vision. Proverbs 29:18a says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” I am dedicated to working together to continue building a TABPHE that is innovative, resilient, relevant, and education policy-rich to address the pressing issues of our time. Fourth, Collaboration. I will work tirelessly to foster cooperation to achieve common goals that benefit us and our communities. Lastly, Resilience. I will remain steadfast, committed, and determined to move TABPHE forward. With these qualities guiding my presidency, we will build a legacy that not only the founders would be proud of but one that we can stand on and pass on to the generations to come. Thank you for your trust and support.

VP of Membership Nominee: Lakisha Jackson

I am an empathetic, passionate, purpose-driven leader who thrives in collaborative settings.  I am currently a Board of Director but see a deeper need for fresh membership initiatives.  If elected, I will work with those who share the vision, desire, and committed for TABPHE's growth.  We have broader opportunities to explore and a need to develop new leaders that can carry TABPHE into the next decade. 

VP of Programs Nominee: Beverly Morehouse

I have a Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) from Prairie View A&M University and a Masters’ in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Phoenix. I have been in higher education for 20 plus years in the field of research administration and serves on the Diversity, Engagement and Equity committee for the Society of Research Administration International (SRAI). I have served as a presenter for many SRAI annual meeting and southern section meetings during her career. 

I was instrumental in establishing the East Texas Chapter of the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE), and is currently serving as the Chapter President. I also helped with the creation of the Chapter By-Laws and Constitution. I am presently serving as President of Programs for TABPHE, when the position became vacant I volunteered and was appointed by the current president. I am also on the current 2025 Planning Committee for the 52nd Annual TABPHE conference.

I am a strong advocate for TABPHE!

VP of Public Relations Nominee: Myisha Coleman

I am a higher education leader with 20 years of public service employment experience. I have developed a passion for leadership with my experience as Associate Dean of success coaching and the TABPHE Dallas Chapter president. 

I lead with grit and tenacity that is required for effective conflict resolution and strategic solutions. More than ever the mission of TABPHE is critical to the development and employment of Black professionals in higher education. My current goals and mission for TABPHE are to enhance civic, student, and economic engagement for chapter members and the community at large.  

Secretary Nominee: Darrell Merriweather

I have been a Senior Advising Specialist with Austin Community College since October 2016.  I find tremendous joy and fulfillment in working with students to support their educational and career goals. In addition to my role as Senior Advising Specialist, I enjoy contributing to the success of colleagues by serving as a mentor, while participating in community engagement projects that center around the discussion of Belonging and Purpose.

As Secretary for Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education, I plan to bring a strong willingness to connect and collaborate with colleagues to provide a foundation for joy, compassion, courage, and care for each other. I will contribute to the overall administrative duties by producing agendas, conveying information, providing advice dealing with association matters, and taking minutes for efficient and effective management of the association. My desire is to make sure the association operates in accordance with its constitution and bylaws, along with identifying and resolving potential risks.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to grow personally and professionally as Secretary, and I look forward to the chance to impact and inspire those affiliated with TABPHE. Thank you,

Treasurer Nominee: Vacant

If interested in running for Treasurer, individuals can be nominated from the floor during the conference's business meeting

Nomination/Election Details

A slate of eligible members will be presented to the  membership at the 52nd Annual TABPHE State Conference Business Meeting held on February 18, 2025 in Austin, TX.  Nominations may be also made from the floor in the Business Meeting.

Voting will occur immediately after the business meeting and is open only to active paid members. It will be held virtually, therefore you do not need to be present at the conference to vote. The winners will be announced at the conference banquet.

Nominating Committee Chair

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